Fri 22 May 2009
Lefties Are In Their Right Minds now available
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Good News! The new book, Lefties Are In Their Right Minds, is available at last!
It was published by Half-Moon Foundation, Inc. on May 18, 2009 and is ISBN 978-0-578-00782-3.
This is a re-introduction of Corliss Lamont’s You might Like Socialism that was written in 1939. Many of you, friends and cohorts of Corliss Lamont, may wish to have your own copy. You will find it at if you wish to purchase it.
Folks seem to enjoy the little play on words of the title. The use of the word “Lefties,” of course, is not in the least anatomical; it is strictly political. And how timely is this re-introduction of Corliss’s compilation of historical information describing the ideals and the ordeals of the Socialist Movement in the earliest years of the Twentieth Century, now that the almost forbidden word is on many lips with the election of Barack Obama.
The Rush Limbaugh types speak the word in accusatory tones, citing tax-and-spend tactics of a welfare state, and predicting the end of democracy. Others, in almost prayerful whispers, are daring to say those long discredited and maligned words, “Socialism” or “Democratic Socialism,” believing that now at last we might begin to build a real democracy that includes all of the people, and enjoy a more equitable distribution of this country’s assets, and turn away from counterproductive foreign policies and entrenched warmongering.
I keep reminding that Corliss Lamont had an inside view of the flaws of the Capitalist economic system, having benefited from Wall Street wealth, yet siding with the plight of the working class. His vision for improving the conditions of those who were exploited and abused by the callous indifference of Capitalism developed in the early days of the Bolshevic Revolution. The ideals of this new philosophy that might have taken off like wildfire in this country were inspiring to the working classes; there was respect for the workers; women were equal partners; education for all would be a value; and many of the assets of wealth would belong to the community for all to enjoy.
Corliss tells the story of how the powers of the Church and Wall Street, each fearful of having their own powers eroded, fueled the fears that became a rabid anti-communist hysteria that raged for all of the Twentieth Century and is still a dominant and counterproductive factor that determines U.S. domestic and foreign policy. He was witness to these fitful violations of civil liberties. He saw violence against labor protestors. He saw concerted efforts to rid the educational institutions of “those damn Reds!” He saw J. Edgar Hoover and Joseph McCarthy in full swing, wielding their fearful powers to destroy, to terrify, to intimidate. And all of this. . . .to root out the evil vestiges of ugh, Communism and Socialism!
There’s so much more to tell, but Corliss Lamont tells it so very well. Please check out this exploration of the ideals of Socialism, which he so innocently and optimistically called: You Might Like Socialism. I promise that for its historical value alone, it is a worthwhile read. Advice from another “Leftie” who loved him, Beth.
For additional information on Lefties Are In Their Right Minds, please visit the following Web page.