The End of Mankind

This pronouncement sounds scary and forbidding, but actually it’s an accounting of a win-win moment for “Humanist” progress, and a symbolic evolutionary triumph for half of us humans. So, don’t worry. This is a very happy story! The telling of this story is even a bit funny, as well, you’ll see, after I describe a few moments of worrisome anxiety!

But, first, let me preface the main theme of this story with a little preamble…that of my own experiencing increasing annoyance, over my growing-up years, to find insistence, in spite of continuing inquiries and doubts, that a creator of all the universe and life as we know it, is a man-god. I grieved, picturing him as probably bearded with a booming authoritative voice. But, what about Mother Nature?… I would plead. Mothers are the nurturers, the beings that give birth! And a source of love and protection! It’s through this rejection route, that I had become a NON-believer, resenting all traditional religion as being tribal, contrary to science, and based upon illusion. I hadn’t yet learned that I’m a Humanist. And, what an amazing revelation to accidentally happen-upon the great researched works of Corliss Lamont!

And, even more amazing to be eventually welcomed into the physical presence of this great researcher, philosopher, author of The Philosophy of Humanism, Corliss Lamont, himself!

His works had been based upon extensive historical written evidence, and his own inspired conjecture, but necessarily written in the traditional academic style for accreditation. Upon reading the 7th Edition of The Philosophy of Humanism, I was both inspired and dismayed by the almost obligatory use of that same word that crowds-out a vision of newly empowered womanhood. Sheesh! We’re hardly recognized, and didn’t even get to vote until 1920!

Sister Humanist, Beverly Earles and I converged upon an amiable Corliss Lamont, with our sort-of giggly conspiratorial, but inspirational plot, to point out the book’s currant error. We took turns reading to Corliss from his own work, paragraph after paragraph, and inserting, instead of the traditional mankind, we used the word, very pointedly and with emphasis: WOMANKIND! This went on, without comment from Corliss, for part of a chapter.

We cast worried glances at him. He was sitting with elbows on knees and head in hands, not giving any clue for us to gauge. Are we insulting him? Is this approach un-humanistic? Stop!

Trying to sound brave and cheerful, I asked cautiously: “Well, Corliss, what do you think?”

He looked-up brightly and surprised us both with his nodding approval and his reassuring response: “You know, you’ve got a good point there! This should be changed to Humankind! And so it was! The 8th Edition of The Philosophy of Humanism celebrates Humankind! And our devoted Editor carefully inserted ALL US humans into the new Edition.

Beth K. Lamont, Humanist Celebrant, and author of Lefties Are In Their Right Minds